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Records about Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln and his son, Tad
April is the anniversary of the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln in 1865. If you’re interested in learning more about our 16th president, you can find a multitude of primary documents and images related to his time in office and assassination on Fold3.

A convenient place to get started looking at records related to this president is Fold3’s Lincoln page. From this curated page, you can look at selected portraits and documents pertaining to Lincoln, start a search of the Lincoln Assassination Papers, and see memorial pages about people and events in Lincoln’s life. The Lincoln Assassination Papers are a particularly rich source of interesting documents about Lincoln—particularly his death and the investigation that followed.

While Fold3’s Lincoln page is a great starting place for Lincoln records, you can find even more documents and images in many of Fold3’s other Civil War titles. A simple way to find these records is to search for “Lincoln” in the Civil War Collection. Since this will return more than a hundred thousand results, you can try limiting your results by using a more specific search, such as [“Abraham Lincoln” OR “President Lincoln” OR “A Lincoln”], though this will likely exclude records that mention Lincoln by any other title or name. Either way, it would probably be helpful to filter out titles in your results that are unlikely to be relevant to President Lincoln. (For example, you could likely filter out the Army Registers, which would eliminate hundreds of irrelevant results.)

Examples of Lincoln records and photos you can find by searching Fold3 include:

  • Lincoln’s order of retaliation to encourage equal treatment of black prisoners of war by the Confederacy
  • Lincoln’s War Order Number 1, ordering the Army of the Potomac to seize the railroad southwest of Manassas Junction
  • Lincoln’s letter of thanks to Admiral Farragut, General Canby, and others for their operations in Mobile Harbor
  • A letter from Lincoln to a Mrs. Faulkner about the release of her brother
  • The Widows’ Pension claim of Mary Todd Lincoln
  • A photo of Lincoln and his son Tad
  • A photo of the train car that carried Lincoln’s body to Illinois following his assassination
  • A photo of the chair Lincoln was sitting in when he was assassinated

Have you found any interesting photos or documents about Lincoln in Fold3’s collections? Share them with us! You can also add those records to Lincoln’s Honor Wall page for others to see.


  1. Kent Kirkham says:

    The only known record of President Lincoln receiving a Christian Sacrament is his marriage record.

    This record is in the parish records of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul (Episcopal), Springfield, IL

  2. James Horn says:

    Ala Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon.
    I knew my father. He knew my great grandfather, Henry Eyster Jacobs, who graduated from what is now Gettysburg College in 1863. His family lived about two blocks from David Wills, who was Lincoln’s host for the Gettysburg address. In addition, Henry’s father Professor Michael Jacobs wrote a book which we know was in the White House in October 1863, and which was mentioned by the principle speaker, Edward Everett; Michael gave a personal guided tour of the battlefield to Everett before the ceremony and may have been on the platform as a local VIP, There is a good chance the Wills introduced him to Lincoln. Either way, five degrees to Abraham Lincoln!

    • Lynn Griffith Dailey says:

      My family always claimed a relationship to Lincoln on my mother’s side. My great grandfather was William E Jacobs. After the civil war, he was the sheriff if Corunna, Michigan. Do you have any other information concerning the relationship between the Lincoln’s and Jacobs?

    • Lynda Bendelow-Ruark says:

      Nicholas Jacob came to American in 1633 with his wife, Mary Gilman, his two children and nephew Thomas Lincoln. Mary’s sister, Bridget Gilman Lincoln, remained in Hingham, England, but her other sons also came to Hingham, MA at a later date. Samuel Lincoln was Abraham’s 5th(?) Great Grandfather. Abraham Lincoln is my 7th cousin. My paternal grandmother is Mabel Jacobs Bendelow.

    • Lynda Bendelow Ruark says:

      Lynn Griffith Dailey,
      I believe we are related. I did a quick search and I believe your people go back to Asa Jacobs from Vermont and Ohio. My grandmother came from Norwalk, OH to Detroit, Michigan.

  3. Beverly Holdren says:

    Pardon for Pvt Edward Potter In the Civil war. Might have been earlier.
    Beverly Holdren
    [email protected]

  4. Edward J. Mello says:

    My Great Great Grandfather was Franklin T. Sands. He was the undertaker who had a contract with the U. S. Government to handle the burial of Union Soldiers. Because of this contract he became President Lincoln’s undertaker. Somewhere there is a picture of him standing beside the coffin inside the funeral train car. I am looking for a copy of that photo. If you can help, please let me know.

  5. david mcdonald says:

    can you believe he was bi sexual!

  6. Gina Lane says:

    I am related to Lincoln, thru the Sparrow family and my husband is also related to Lincoln.
    Glad to see this information on Abraham Lincoln.

  7. Debra Bunch Litz says:

    My maternal grandmother’s favorite cousin was related to Abraham Lincoln, and I possess a photo of her that does bear a striking resemblance to him. I’m especially looking to find any relatives of his who had the last name of ”Black”. Any leads would be much appreciated.

  8. Cherlyn Arrington says:

    Is there any information on Mary Todd Lincoln . I have heard thru the family she was related to us thru the Webb side

  9. Mardie Baker says:

    He was not bisexual men oftentimes slept in the same bed to share the cost of a room

  10. Mardie Baker says:

    Where do you get confirmation of that?

  11. Sandy Wilson says:

    I don’t think this is the place to talk about sexual preferences. It makes no difference and it wouldn’t be matter and it’s not our business. If that is all you have to offer don’t offer anything.

  12. My great grandmother was Effie Hanks who was
    married to James Comfort Hyde. Their children
    were Luton Harvey(my grandfather), Bessie, George and Effie. They lived in the Townville and Tryonville area of PA.
    My mother was one of Luton’s daughters. She had 9 siblings.